Laser Dentistry

SAFE AND GENTLE alternative to traditional dental tools.

Laser Dentistry

If you consider yourself somewhat of an anxious dental patient patient and are seeking extreme safety and comfort, you might consider looking for dentists who have incorporated laser dentistry technique into their practice.

What is a laser and how does it work?

A laser is an instrument that produces a very narrow, intense beam of light energy. When laser light comes in contact with tissue, it causes a reaction. The light produced by the laser can remove or shape tissue.

Are lasers used in dentistry?

Yes, lasers have been used in dentistry since 1990. Lasers can be used as a safe and effective treatment for a wide range of dental procedures and are often used in conjunction with other dental instruments.

How are lasers used in dentistry?

Dental lasers can be used to:

  • reduce the discomfort of canker and cold sores.
  • expose partially erupted wisdom teeth.
  • remove muscle attachments that limit proper movement.
  • manage gum tissue during impressions for crowns or other procedures.
  • remove overgrown tissues caused by certain medications.
  • perform biopsy procedures.
  • remove inflamed gum tissues and aid in the treatment of gum disease.
  • remove or reshape gum and bone tissues during crown lengthening procedures.
  • help treat infections in root canals.
  • speed up tooth whitening procedures.

What are the benefits of using dental lasers?

There are several advantages

  • Reduce the discomfort of canker and cold sores.
  • Dentists may not need to use a drill or administer anesthesia in some procedures, allowing the patient to enjoy a more relaxed dental experience.
  • Laser procedures can be more precise.
  • Also, lasers can reduce symptoms and healing times associated with traditional therapies.
  • Reduce the amount of bacteria in both diseased gum tissue and in tooth cavities.
  • Control bleeding during surgery.

Are Dental Lasers Safe?

If the dental laser is used according to accepted practices by a trained practitioner, then it is at least as safe as other dental instruments. However, just as you wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from prolonged exposure to the sun, when your dentist performs a laser procedure, you will be asked to wear special eyeglasses to protect your eyes from the laser.

How will I know if treatment with a dental laser is an option for me?

Ask your dentist. Although the laser is a very useful dental instrument, it is not appropriate for every dental procedure.


Laser Dentistry: Benefits for Patients

  • Accuracy & Precision: Our dentists are able to remove tooth enamel decay (the hardest substance in the body), bone and gum tissue precisely while leaving surrounding areas unaffected. This conserves and allows you to keep more of the healthy tooth structure.
  • Reduced Trauma: High-speed dental drills can sometimes cause hairline cracks and fractures in the teeth that eventually lead to future dental problems. Laser Dentistry reduces damage to healthy portions of the tooth and minimizes trauma.
  • Less Bleeding & Swelling: Due to its conservative, gentle cutting action and coagulating capabilities, the laser performs many soft tissue (gum) procedures with little or no bleeding and less post-op swelling.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of laser dentistry, please schedule your consultation.

Max Super Speciality Hospital, Mohali

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