Pregnancy and dental work questions are common for expecting mothers. Preventive dental cleanings and annual examination during pregnancy are not only safe, but also recommended.
As in pregnancy there is a rise in hormonal levels which causes gums to bleed, swelling which leads to deposition of food particles in turn leading to gum diseases. So to avoid any sort of oral infection, a preventive dental work is a necessity.
How might pregnancy affect my mouth?
Although many women make it nine months with no dental discomfort, pregnancy can make some conditions worse or create new ones. So regular checkups and good dental health habits can help keep you and your baby healthy.
Pregnancy gingivitis
Your mouth can be affected by the change of hormones which you experience during pregnancy. Some women develop a condition known as “pregnancy gingivitis”, an inflammation of the gums that can cause swelling and tenderness.
Increased risk of tooth decay
Pregnant women may be more prone to cavities for number of reasons like intake of more carbohydrates than usual, morning sickness.
Pregnancy tumors
In some cases, overgrowths of tissue called “pregnancy tumors” appear on the gums, mostly appearing during second trimester. It is not cancer but rather the swelling of gums.
Exposure to x-rays?
It is important if you have any dental emergency the x- rays have to be done but with proper precautions. Although, radiation of dental x-rays is extremely low still the precautions are taken. A lead apron is used to cover so as to minimize the exposure to the abdomen protecting the growing foetus.
So proper checkups before, during and after pregnancy are recommended. With the availability of all the specialist under a roof Max Dental Care, Mohali is the solution for the problems with all the necessary expertise, proper protocols and guidelines for safe treatment, medication and radiation protection – with lead aprons and thyroid shields.